Lesson series

Occupation-Specific French for Restaurant Staff

The next lessons focus on helping you integrate easily into communicating with your Canadian customers and coworkers in French!
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Why work through this course?

  • 9 Chapters
  • 1 Certification
  • 340 Questions
  • 52 Videos
  • Real-life context

Learn What's Important

The Occupation-Specific French for Restaurant Staff focuses on what is important for you to have an easy transition to working in a Canadian context.
We won’t spend time dwelling on nuances that won’t ultimately matter. Instead, we will spend the most time on topics you will likely face when you start working in Canada.

Learn by Example

Examples. In addition to introducing you to the tools, we’ll walk through some start-to-finish examples so you can see everything in action.
While in this lesson series, you will learn exactly how to interact with your clients, colleagues and friends in a restaurant context.